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The power of Microsoft Cloud Security

With data growing increasingly valuable and harder to protect, Microsoft provides security solutions across identity and access management, information protection, threat protection and security management. Harness integrated, comprehensive security with Microsoft Advanced Threat Protection, Azure Security, and Azure Sentinel to identify and repel more threats than ever before and safeguard your organization, without sacrificing productivity.

Code 4 Technologies can help during these constrained macro economic challenges. As organizations have responded to Covid-19 they are looking to reduce their total cost of IT ownership while at the same time introducing agile business value. Microsoft Security and Microsoft Cloud can help through:

  1. Vendor license cost consolidation - Consolidate to a single platform and reduce the proliferation of cloud services

  2. IT administration and deployment savings - Manage IT better across hardware & software thus enabling IT to transition to higher value activities

  3. Reduce total cost of risk - Reduce breaches and enhance privacy/remediation by better Security. Reduce risk through compliance

  4. Physical and travel & expense cost displacement - Reduce hard costs eg: real esate, utilities, travel & entertainment through secure work from home

  5. Save on automation and process improvements - Transform business processes & save using workflows, dashboards, and AI while increasing employee productivity

  6. Capex to Opex cash flow - Optimize cash flow management by changing upfront license payments to operating expenses

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